Be smart about partnershipsOne of the most important elements we came to learn as a business was to be an expert at what you do, and stand on the shoulders of...
A good idea about billingWhen we set up billing for our business (mostly monthly, via credit card), in the beginning, we originally billed for the day the sale...
Pricing your product - go bigOne of the classic issues that I see consistently confront new entrepreneurs is something I like to call price trepidation. Essentially,...
Keep it simple, stupidMy largest client does $270MM annual revenue and has a major social impact slant, in fact, most of the operations in which they are...
Your incubation period is importantWhat’s your incubation period? That is, how fast can you sell a client? I’ve helped a lot of clients figure out where to price their...
Realities of reseller agreementsThink a reseller agreement is going to be the crux of your explosive sales growth? You might have the greatest intentions and your...
Hiring poorly can be a time killerThis is an issue I get a lot from my clients who were recently capitalized, or have been growing capital organically, but in either case...
Too many mindsChad and I had a great asset going for us when we started our first company – we didn’t know what the hell each other did. He could...
Closing salesOh man there have been thousands upon thousands of books written on closing, I really just hesitate that I’m going to say something here...
The realities of firing peopleIt’s definitely one of the hardest things you have to do, and one I’ve had a ton of clients ask me about when it comes to “doing the...